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5 Ways to be Productive at Home!

Hello everyone and welcome back to Kawaii Diy! As you all know, the world is a bit of a mess right now. We are not supposed to leave our houses, so I thought this would be a good thing to do! Time to start!

The first thing to do is make your bed! I never really made my bed, but since what is happening, I thought it would be a good idea! And it has been. It makes you feel so much better and "productive." It also really helps if you have cute pillows you can put on your bed. I don't know why, but that helps. I guess it makes you want to make your bed! LOL!

Number 2 is pick up 10 things in you room or around your house everyday. It will make your space a lot cleaner, and as they say "Clean Space, Clean Mind." And it just really helps you tough out the day.

Number 3 is to get out of your PJ's. If you feel better, you will get more done through the day. I'm not saying get ready, do your makeup, do your hair nice, though that would help. LOL. I'm just saying put your hair in a bun or up and put some jeans on. Even if it's a little, it will help your productivity.

The 4th one is to make a to-do list of all the things you want to get done in that day. Just so you can have something to tell you "Yes, I need to get something done today!" It doesn't need to be really long, maybe just like three things, but it will make you more productive.

And number 5 is to take one hour every day to do whatever you want. That could be read, sleep, watch TV, or anything! It could be the first thing you do that day, or it could be the last. After a long day of being productive, it is okay to give your body a rest.

I hope you enjoyed this post. If you did, give a heart! If you like these things, then please subscribe! I come out with a new post every other Friday. Bye!!

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Apr 16, 2020

I enjoyed your blog so much. These tips are great.


Kyle Strickland
Kyle Strickland
Apr 13, 2020

Great post!

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