Hello everybody and welcome back to Kawaii DIY! If you're new, welcome!! This week I am going to show you some “Washi Tape Tips and Tricks,” so yeah let's jump in!!!
First I need to tell you that there are four things I will be doing. I am telling you what you need for all of them. So here is what you will need! One, washi tape. Two, a notebook (I’m using a mini one but you use whatever you want ). Three, a pencil. Four, parchment paper. And fifth I will be showing you cool planner hacks with washi tape with your planner. Now let's jump in!
So first here is my planner!

I'm going to show you planner hacks using washi tape. The first hack is if you have an event that is lasting more than one day, then here is a cool trick. You can put a long piece of tape over however many days it in happening and write whatever it is. Like this!

The next trick is if you have a cancellation, just cover it up like in these pictures!

I am going to show you some more DIYs! So for the first one you will need a notebook and washi tape.

So now you take your tape and tear it into a strip a bit longer then your notebook.Like this!

And you keep going until it looks like this!

Then you open the book and fold all those pieces over!

And yeah you are pretty much done, but if you want to add a little something, you can add a sticker(s) like I did in this picture! So yeah!

The next one is a pencil. So all you will need is a pencil and washi tape. That's it.

So for this one all you do is wrap the washi tape around the pencil. I did three colors so I alternated here if you don’t know what I'm talking about!

And it should look a little like this! Yay!

(And don't worry, the pencil will sharpen the same way as normal.)
And the last one is how you can make your own stickers! Here is what you will need: parchment paper, washi tape, a pencil, and scissors!

So first you want to cut a piece of parchment paper and draw any design you want!

You need to make sure you can see the pen or pencil on the back like this!

Now you want to cut strips of tape and cover your design.

Then after you did that, flip the paper and cut out you design!

Now you have a fun and cute sticker! Using the parchment as the back, you peal it off and look how cute it is! Here is mine all done!

I hope you enjoyed these quick tips/DIYs! And I do want to let you know that I am doing a giveaway. Here are the details! https://kawaiidiy.wixsite.com/home/forum/welcome-to-the-forum/a-special-give-away
I will see you next time! Love you bye!
My favorite diy is the cover for the notebook. This is a great idea and plan to do this soon. It's just great!!!
My fav so far!
Tell me what are some more things I can do with washi tape!😜💟👇👇